WACV98, SIGIR97, ECCV96: Use of local features in Animal retrieval examples led to ideas!
PhD 2002–Image Retrieval. Search for sustainability-related application of technology commences. Lloyd Gamble introduces salamander problem.
ACCV 2004–Multiscale local features, marbled salamander.
- Few clicks and fast matching.
- Retrieval paradigm for Individual Animal Identification and Animal Biometrics.
- Medial axes and symmetry detection
- First approach using generic visua features.
CVPR 2004 — Affine invariant local features, marbled salamander.
- May be too invariant, not selective enough.
JAE 2008 — Multiscale PCA marbled salamander.
- Impact in long-term study.
- Randomized representations.
VAIB 08 — Sloop v1.0 is released!
- Relevance feedback.
- Deformation Invariance.
- Multiple preprocessing algorithms.
ICCV 09 — Scale-Cascaded Alignment, MS-PCA, SIFT salamander, Sloop v2.0.
- SCA, many applications.
- Exemplar based specularity removal.
- Randomized graphs and manifold distances.
- Aggregation.
2010 — Sloop Amop released. Also, Fowler’s Toad and Tiger Salamander prototypes.
2011 — Sloop Skinks
- Citizen Science.
- Crowd-sourcing relevance feedback.
- Social media Sloop.
- Assisted and automated modes.
2012 — Sloop v2.7 operational for conservation. First pattern retrieval engine in use.
MCPR 2013 — Sloop v2.7 Gecko, Whale Shark
- Hybrid contexts
MCPR 2014 — Large-scale Relevance Feedback, Special Session on Animal Biometrics.
- Microsoft Faculty Summit, 2014, invited speaker.
Pattern Recognition 2015: Summarizes many results and adds new species.
- Speaker, Third Wildlife Photo-ID workshop, Findland
- Boston University Image and Vision Computing Seminar
2017: First Vision-based Wildlife Management Workshop, ICCV 17 as co-organizer
2018: First Computer Vision for Animal Biometrics special issue (IET), co-editor.
WACV 2020 (workshop): Sloop Deep Learning using Appearance and Geometry
Goals and Value Proposition
- Focus on Animal Biometrics for conservation of rare and endangered species. Typically small species.
- Several firsts for Individual Animal Identification:
- First application of generic visual features.
- First search engine model for animal ID.
- First Relevance feedback animal ID system (human-in-the-loop).
- First relevance feedback by crowdsourcing.
- First Vision-based Wildlife Management workshop with ICCV17
- First special issue on Animal Biometrics, IET 2018
- Other elements of approach
- Feedback symbiosis: matching to ease the citizen scientist’s work, relevance feedback to improve algorithms. This is much different than simply using crowds to gather images.
- Interactive preprocessing for segmentation, rectification and illumination.
- Novel methods.
- Scale Cascaded Alignment.
- Exemplar-based specularity.
- Hybrid Contexts for Recognition.
- Information-theoretic Relevance feedback.
- Information theoretic aggregation.
- Distributed system, short “idea to realization” cycle.
- Sloop consists of two servers: IPE (Image Processing Engine) and DEI (Data Exchange and Interaction).
- Version 3.0: It sits on a Glassfish Server with Postgres bindings and makes use of DataNucleus/JPOX for DEI and uses Matlab/Octave for IPE.
- SloopLite is a desktop application for small collections.
- SloopMachine is a complete virtual machine.
- Version 4.0: A RESTful system based on Postgres, and Node and Angular in DEI with matlab/octabe IPE. Runs on all formats — web, handheld, phone.
- Version 5.0: Cloud Migration
- Version 6.0: Embedded and Cloud Application
- Version 3.0: It sits on a Glassfish Server with Postgres bindings and makes use of DataNucleus/JPOX for DEI and uses Matlab/Octave for IPE.